Today, since I've been up since 4:30 a.m., I'm being lazy and just giving you some good stuff to look at. We took a little half-day trip to Connors Farm last week, mainly to get pumpkins, but also because they have tons of stuff for little ones to do. It was loads of fun, we had perfect weather, and came home with gorgeous pumpkins (mine is white!), yummy cider, and a carrot that Lilah took a bite out of at the farm stand so we had to buy it. We will definitely go back there again!
Daddy and Grady on the jumping pillow. Lilah was a wimp and didn't like it. |
The spiderweb was more her style. |
This is just quintessential 'boy' right here. I had to keep corralling him away from mud puddles. |
The girl means business in the duck races. |
In amazement that he's allowed to play with something so cool. |
Can't leave this guy out! He was loving the fresh air, but not so much the sun in his eyes. |
"Whatchoo lookin' at?" |
The one pic of me from the day. Taken by Lilah. |
Taken while we waited for Daddy and Grady, who were on the hayride. Sister was too chicken for that, too. |
Pumpkin tether ball! She would have played with this all day if we'd let her. |
I wish I had all of these in my house. I think I have a pumpkin addiction. |
The hayride. It went probably 2 mph, and Lilah was scared of it.
So there you have it! Hopefully I will get a little more sleep tonight. Check back tomorrow for Pinterest Project Friday!
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